
Find Rubric
Keep in mind that 69 students have already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluations.
User Manual: Final, Finished Draft
User Manual: Final, Finished Draft
Criteria Ratings Pts
Focuses on the assigned task
Focuses on a task related to the kind of writing examined in your Recommendation Report and Research Poster assignments, and Combines technical description and instruction into a single document—a user manual.
threshold: pts
25 pts
0 pts
Not met
25 pts
Meets the expectations of the Writing Scenario (for an audience of a new intern)
threshold: pts
25 pts
15 pts
Needs work
0 pts
Insufficient or Missing Information
25 pts
Meets length and file type requirements
Is a document that is a minimum of four pages long (including images and illustrations) that was created in a word processor.
threshold: pts
25 pts
15 pts
Needs work
0 pts
Insufficient or Missing Information
25 pts
Demonstrates a clear relationship between the graphics and the accompanying text (p. 561).
threshold: pts
75 pts
45 pts
Needs work
0 pts
Insufficient or Missing Information
75 pts
Has a clear title that is specific to the instructions (p. 566).
threshold: pts
25 pts
15 pts
Needs work
0 pts
Insufficient or Missing Information
25 pts
Begins with an introduction that meets expectations...
Opens with an introduction that (p. 556): states the purpose of the task, describes the safety measures or other concerns that readers should understand, and lists the necessary tools and materials.
threshold: pts
75 pts
45 pts
Needs work
0 pts
Insufficient or Missing Information
75 pts
Includes step-by-step instructions that meet expectations
Includes step-by-step instructions that are numbered (p. 567), expressed in the imperative mood (p. 567), simple and direct (p. 567), and accompanied by appropriate graphics (p. 568).
threshold: pts
75 pts
45 pts
Needs work
0 pts
Insufficient or Missing Information
75 pts
Ends with an appropriate conclusion
Ends with a conclusion that includes (p. 568) any necessary follow-up advice. if appropriate, a troubleshooting guide.
threshold: pts
75 pts
45 pts
Needs work
0 pts
Insufficient or Missing Information
75 pts
Uses professional design and formatting that meets expectations.
Uses professional design and formatting that does the following: Makes a good first impression as a polished, professional document, Uses appropriately-sized headings and text, Makes information easy for readers to find and read, and Emphasizes important information.
threshold: pts
50 pts
30 pts
Needs work
0 pts
Insufficient or Missing Information
50 pts
Uses accurate/appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, mechanics, linking, and formatting.
threshold: pts
50 pts
30 pts
Needs work
0 pts
Insufficient or Missing Information
50 pts
Total Points: 500 out of 500