
Find Rubric
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Research Poster Rubric
Research Poster Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Focuses on the kind of writing examined in your Recommendation Report.
threshold: pts
75 pts
0 pts
Not Met
75 pts
Is a 48" X 36" document, presented in landscape orientation (horizontal), which has been created in a slide show/presentation program (*.ppt, *pptx, or Google Slides link).
threshold: pts
75 pts
0 pts
Not Met
75 pts
Meets all of the requirements listed in the Scenario section of the assignment: Presents the recommendations on the kind of writing as a solution to a problem and specifically discusses how they solve the problem; Uses this structure for your poster: (Introduction, Problem Discussion, Solution(s), Conclusions & Recommendations, and Works Cited); Relies on fully-documented research (using quotations, paraphrase, and/or summary) to support your recommendations; Uses visuals that help clarify the information in the chart, which can include photos, illustrations, charts, tables, and graphs; Includes a bibliography that provides documentation for all of the resources consulted.
threshold: pts
100 pts
50 pts
Needs Work
0 pts
Insufficient or missing information
100 pts
Uses professional design and formatting that makes a good first impression as a polished, professional document, uses appropriately-sized headings and text (24 pt minimum), makes information easy for readers to find and read, emphasizes important information, and uses well-integrated and well-designed visuals to clarify the information.
threshold: pts
100 pts
51 pts
Needs Work
0 pts
Insufficient or missing information
100 pts
Has presentation graphics that meet these five characteristics: presents a clear, well-supported claim; is easy to see; is easy to read; is simple; and is correct.
threshold: pts
100 pts
51 pts
Needs Work
0 pts
Insufficient or missing information
100 pts
Uses accurate/appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, mechanics, linking, and formatting.
threshold: pts
50 pts
25 pts
Needs Work
0 pts
50 pts
Total Points: 500 out of 500