Module 1: Introduction to Adobe Captivate


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overview icon Overview

Welcome to our first training module: Module 1: Introduction to Adobe Captivate. This module is scheduled for day one of Faculty training workshop. This module is designed to familiarize you with the features of Adobe Captivate 2019. Tasklist for the initial training will include: 

    • Introduce yourself to each other
    • Adobe Captivate
    • Interface tour
    • Importing powerpoint

This is part of a series of 4 workshops so be sure to participate in the rest of the sessions. 

objectives icon Objectives

Upon completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe Adobe Captivate software
  • List the features of Adobe Captivate 2019
  • Download Captivate and import a  given powerpoint presentation

Readings icon Readings (___hours)


watch icon Watch (_20__minutes)



  • This video articulates how to import Powerpoint slides into Adobe Captivate.

class activity icon Class Activities

Please provide more detailed instructions on your class activities here.

Assignment icon Assignment

Please provide more detailed instructions on your class assignments here.