Correspondence Project: Complete an Audience Profile Sheet
- Due Jul 17, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a website url or a file upload
- Available Jul 13, 2020 at 12am - Aug 15, 2020 at 11:59pm
- Analyze the rhetorical situation and determine the appropriate audience or users of written communication, considering the needs of global audiences and people with disabilities. [CLO 1]
The Task
For this Writing Project Activity, review the details on audience analysis and then complete an Audience Profile Sheet to prepare to write your Correspondence Project.
- Look back over details on audience analysis in Chapter 5, “Analyzing Your Audience and Purpose,” in Technical Communication.
- Review the Determining the Important Characteristics of Your Audience page.
- Search online for biographical information on the CEO of the company you have chosen, and learn everything you can about the person.
- Download a copy of the Audience Profile Sheet, also available in Figure 5.2 of Technical Communication, on page 87.
- Complete the Audience Profile Sheet and then upload your finished file.
TIP: If you tried a strategy on paper instead of digitally, take a photo and embed it in the answer. If you need help, consult this Canvas FAQ: How do I embed images from Canvas into the Rich Content Editor as a student? Links to an external site.
- Review your answer to make sure that it is clear and that I will understand what you have written.
Grading Process
You will claim the points for your work when you complete the 07/17 Self-Assessment.