Correspondence Project: Choosing Your Fortune 500 Company
- Due Jul 17, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a text entry box
- Available Jul 13, 2020 at 12am - Aug 15, 2020 at 11:59pm
- Analyze the rhetorical situation and determine the appropriate audience or users of written communication, considering the needs of global audiences and people with disabilities. [CLO 1]
- Conduct research appropriate to workplace problem solving, such as literature review, evaluation of online resources, interview, and site inspection. [CLO 2]
The Task
Background Note
You will use the company that you choose in all the remaining writing projects in the course. Choose a company that you will remain interested in for the entire term.
The Activity
For this Writing Project Activity, choose the Fortune 500 company that you will focus on in the writing projects for the rest of the term:
- Go to the 2020 Fortune 500 List of Companies page Links to an external site.. By default, the list shows the companies in ascending numerical order.
- Use the Filters to choose the Sector and/or Industry that best matches your major, using the dropdown menus marked in the screenshot below. The list of companies below the filters will automatically update to reflect your choices:
- Choose other filters if you desire, as long as your search results will be companies that match your major.
- Scroll through the list of companies, once your filters are set, and choose the company that you will focus all your projects on. The choice is completely up to you. If you are considering a company you are not familiar with, click through to the company website and look around to make sure that the company is a fit.
- Once you have made your choice, gather the following details to tell me about the company:
- Company name
- CEO's name
- Company URL
- How the company relates to your major
- Any other comments you want to add (optional, for instance, maybe you have a family member working at the company or you did an internship there)
- Submit the details on the company you have chosen in the text area below the instructions:
- Submit your company information here by 11:59 PM on Friday, July 17. Include a specific question in the Submission Comments if you would like me to respond to something.
- If you need more time, submit your company information by 11:59 PM on Monday, July 20. Please realize that if you submit during the grace period, I may not have time to respond to your specific question.
Grading Process
You track and grade your own work in this course. Be sure to complete the following tasks:
- Track your work in your Weekly Work Log.
- Claim points for submitting your company information when you complete the 07/17 Self-Assessment in Canvas.