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Recommendation Report Rubric: Final, Finished Draft
Recommendation Report Rubric: Final, Finished Draft
Criteria Ratings Pts
Focuses on a kind of writing from your Analysis of Writing in Your Field project that you have not written before, as proposed in your Proposal Memo.
threshold: pts
10 pts
0 pts
Not Met
10 pts
Is a document in report format created in a word processor.
threshold: pts
10 pts
0 pts
Not Met
10 pts
Covers all of the information listed in the Scenario section.
Covers the purpose for the kind of writing, the audience or users of this particular kind of writing, the constraints at work on the writers and the readers of this kind of writing, the preparation needed to write this kind of writing, the organization of the kind of writing, the contents of all sections of the kind of writing, the ethical issues that may impact the kind of writing, a bibliography, and an appendix that includes at least three examples of the particular kind of writing.
threshold: pts
75 pts
38 pts
Needs work
0 pts
Insufficient or missing materials
75 pts
Includes all front matter materials.
Meets all requirements and expectations for the letter of transmittal (p. 481), title page with a specific title (p. 481), abstract (p. 481), table of contents (p. 482), list of illustrations, if relevant (p. 483), and executive summary (p. 485).
threshold: pts
65 pts
33 pts
Needs work
0 pts
Insufficient or missing materials
65 pts
Includes all body materials.
Meets all requirements and expectations for the introduction (p. 479), methods (p. 479), results (p. 479), conclusions (p. 480), and recommendations (p. 480).
threshold: pts
65 pts
33 pts
Needs work
0 pts
Insufficient or missing materials
65 pts
Includes all back matter materials.
Meets all requirements and expectations for glossary (p. 486)—Optional, include if relevant, list of symbols (p. 486)—Optional, include if relevant, references (p. 488), appendixes (p. 489)—including at least 3 examples of the kind of writing.
threshold: pts
65 pts
33 pts
Needs work
0 pts
Insufficient or missing materials
65 pts
Uses professional design and formatting.
Makes information easy for readers to find and read, emphasizes important information, makes a good first impression as a polished, professional document, and uses well-integrated and well-designed visuals to clarify the information.
threshold: pts
70 pts
35 pts
Needs work
0 pts
70 pts
Uses accurate/appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, mechanics, linking, and formatting.
threshold: pts
40 pts
20 pts
Needs work
0 pts
40 pts
Total Points: 400 out of 400