Module Overview for the Week of February 11: Correspondence, Part 1
Regardless of format—from micro-blogs to traditional letters—you will communicate via the written word nearly everyday at your job. Regardless of the content being conveyed, your correspondence should be accurate, clear, and communicated with honesty and integrity. And regardless of audience, you want to leave a positive impression upon your reader. Remember that correspondence may be the client’s first impression of you. You want it to be a positive one!
Assessing the rhetorical situation will determine the type of correspondence to be used. Does the situation call for an inquiry letter, a complaint letter, a sales letter, a claim letter, a refusal letter or other type of letter? Knowing the patterns of each type will lead you to fulfill your purpose and satisfy your reader’s needs.
The tone and accuracy of correspondence can solidify positive working relationships and contribute to a successful, stable organization. Because the communication relies completely on the written word and does not involve verbal or facial cues, word choice becomes critical in establishing tone.
The reading material and examples will give you information to assist you in analyzing rhetorical situations and selecting the appropriate strategy to address the situation successfully.
At the end of this unit, you will compose correspondence that serves the writer's purpose, satisfies the reader’s needs, presents accurate and organized content, and uses a positive tone.
Objectives for this Module
After completing this module, you will be able to
- Analyze the rhetorical situation and determine the appropriate audience or users of written communication, considering the needs of global audiences and people with disabilities. [CLO 1]
- Use conventions of various workplace genres, such as proposals, instructions, correspondence, reports, and slide decks, with understanding of how the genre conventions can be used as heuristics and as principles of arrangement. [CLO 4]
- Apply principles of effective visual design for print and electronic presentation, including hierarchical, chronological, and spatial arrangements. [CLO 6]
- Identify and apply the principles of effective style in the composing of usable, reader-centered written communications. [CLO 7]
Note that you can find the full text of the Course Learning Objectives on the Syllabus.
Readings for the Week of February 11
Please complete all readings before beginning the quizzes for this module. This material introduces concepts you will need to successfully apply the objectives stated above.
- Proposal Memo: Assignment
- How the Major Projects Connect
- Markel & Selber, Ch. 14: “Writing Correspondence”
- Markel & Selber, Ch. 9: “Emphasizing Important Information”
- Markel & Selber, Ch. 11: “Designing Print and Online Documents”
- Daily Discussion Posts (DDPs)
- #WeekendWatch: Crafting Strong Email Messages (02/09)
- #TuesdayTutorial: Characteristics of Memos (available 02/12)
- #WednesdayWrite: Is BRIEF Correspondence Best? (available 02/13)
- #ThursdayThought: What Goes Into a Letter? (available 02/14)
- #FridayFact: Information-Rich Signposts Help Readers (available 02/15)
Activities for the Week of February 11
Time Required: 5–6 hours, plus reading time
Available Points: 800
Due Dates:
- All work is due by 11:59 PM on Friday, February 15.
- The grace period for these activities ends at 11:59 PM on Monday, February 18.
Daily Discussion Posts Activities
(85 minutes—5 posts @ ~15 minutes each plus self-assessment @ ~10 minutes)
- Contribute to any or all of the following Daily Discussion Posts (DDPs) in Canvas:
- #WeekendWatch: Crafting Strong Email Messages (02/09)
- #TuesdayTutorial: Characteristics of Memos (available 02/12)
- #WednesdayWrite: Is BRIEF Correspondence Best? (available 02/13)
- #ThursdayThought: What Goes Into a Letter? (available 02/14)
- #FridayFact: Information-Rich Signposts Help Readers (available 02/15)
- Complete the DDP Self-Assessment for the Week of 02/11 Quiz to report the work you did and record your score (100 points). Be sure to read the self-assessment at the beginning of the week so that you understand the expectations.
Writing Activities
(~4 hours, including time to write)
- Complete any or all of the following Major Writing Project activities (400 points total).
- These activities contribute to the second Major Writing Project in the course, Proposal Memo: Assignment.
- Proposal Memo: Generate Ideas about Your Topic (25 points)
- Proposal Memo: Complete an Audience Profile Sheet (50 points)
- Proposal Memo: Outline Your Memo (25 points)
- Proposal Memo: Rough Draft (300 points)
- These activities contribute to the second Major Writing Project in the course, Proposal Memo: Assignment.
- Complete the Writing Activities Self-Assessment for the Week of 02/11 quiz to report the work you did (other than the rough draft) and record your score. I will grade your Rough Draft submission, according to the expectations listed in the assignment.
Extra Activities
(1 hour—3 quizzes @ ~20 minutes each, excluding reading time)
- Complete the Readings Quizzes.
- These quizzes cover the readings shown above and are designed to assess your familiarity with concepts you will need to know to produce deliverables for this module. These quizzes are the following:
- 14 Markel, Writing Correspondence (100 points)
- 09 Markel, Emphasizing Important Information (100 points)
- 11 Markel, Designing Print and Online Documents (100 points)
- These quizzes cover the readings shown above and are designed to assess your familiarity with concepts you will need to know to produce deliverables for this module. These quizzes are the following:
- Ask any questions about the course in the General Q and A Discussion (0 points) in Canvas.
- Check the General Q and A Discussion for answers before posting.
- Asking a question is not required. Use the Inbox tool in Canvas for questions about grades or personal information that should not be shared with the class.