FAQs & Tips for Your Recommendation Report

I have checked your Recommendation Report: Rough Draft documents and updated the grades in Canvas. I skimmed all of the documents, but did not read them closely since you are still working on them. These general tips apply to everyone:

  • Be sure that you place all quotations in quotation marks.
  • Credit your sources in the body of your report.
  • Make sure all of your sources are listed in your bibliography.
  • Be sure you spell check your work, and double check that you have all names spelled correctly.

Based on the questions that I have received in your messages and the work I saw when I reviewed your rough drafts, I have some FAQs and tips to help you ensure that your project meets the requirements.

List of FAQs & Tips

  1. What does the grade on my Rough Draft mean?
  2. How do I find comments on my Rough Draft?
  3. Where are the requirements for the assignment listed?
  4. Where can I find help for this assignment?
  5. What should the Recommendation Report look like?
  6. How specific should my title be?
  7. What should I include in my Table of Contents?
  8. How do I include long examples of my kind of writing?
  9. Where can I find help with documentation?
  10. How can I check the readability of my Recommendation Report?
  11. How can I make sure information is easy to find in my Recommendation Report?
  12. How do I improve the design and appearance of my Recommendation Report?
  13. How do I edit and proofread my project?
  14. What if I have trouble submitting my work in Canvas?
  15. Can I just email you my submission?
  16. Is there any place I can get help with my work?

  1. What does the grade on my Rough Draft mean?
    Grades on your rough drafts mean that you turned in a draft (or didn’t) that showed you put in the effort to begin the project. It does not mean that you have completed the project nor does it guarantee any particular grade on your Final, Finished Draft.
  2. How do I find comments on my Rough Draft?
    You may have comments on your draft, whether you received full credit or not. Use this documentation from Canvas for help finding the notes on your drafts:
  3. Where are the requirements for the assignment listed?
    Find all the details on the expectations for the assignment on the Recommendation Report: Assignment page in Canvas. You can also find the requirements in the Recommendation Report: Check for Content Completion Discussion and the Rubric on the Recommendation Report: Final, Finished Draft page.
  4. Where can I find help for this assignment?
    Use the following self-checks to ensure that your work meets the expectations for the assignment:
  5. What should the Recommendation Report look like?
    Your document should look like the Sample Recommendation Report in the textbook, beginning on page 489.
  6. How specific should my title be?
    Your title should be specific to your report. If your title is so general that it would work on anyone’s report, you need to revise it. Consider these examples:
    • Too General:
      • Recommendation Report
    • Specific Examples:
      • Revising The Way Our Organization Writes Project Proposals: A Recomendation Report
      • Building a Clear and Concise Software Project Proposal
      • Writing the Most Effective Grant Proposal to Fund Your Project
  7. What should I include in my Table of Contents?
    Your Table of Contents should be specific, just like your title. It should show a basic outline of your document. Check out the Table of Contents in the Sample Recommendation Report in the textbook, beginning on page 489, as an example.
  8. How do I include long examples of my kind of writing?
    In the case of longer genres, you can link to the examples, but include excerpts in your report as relevant.
  9. Where can I find help with documentation?
    Use the resources in the Recommendation Report: Check for Citations and Documentation.
  10. How can I check the readability of my Recommendation Report?
    For a basic analysis based on computer data only, use the information in the #WednesdayWrite: How to Generate Readability Statistics Discussion. Remember that readability statistics do not take into account the meaning of the text or the appearance and design, both of which contribute to readability.
  11. How can I make sure information is easy to find in my Recommendation Report?
    Use the tips in the #FridayFact: Information-Rich Signposts Help Readers Discussion Post. 
  12. How do I improve the design and appearance of my Recommendation Report?
    Use the resources in the Recommendation Report: Check for Professional Design  Discussion.
  13. How do I edit and proofread my project?
    Use the resources on the UNC-Chapel Hill Writing Center’s Editing and Proofreading handout Links to an external site..
  14. What if I have trouble submitting my work in Canvas?
    Please contact 4Help Links to an external site. for help. I cannot provide technical support. 4Help can figure out what is going wrong and help you solve the issue.
  15. Can I just email you my submission?
    No. I only accept assignments in Canvas because of FERPA requirements.
  16. Is there any place I can get help with my work?
    There are two places you can get help:

    Help from the Writing Center: 
    You can visit the Writing Center in the library for help with projects for the course. Writing Center tutors can help you strengthen your content as well as work on document design and issues with phrasing, grammar, or punctuation. You can read more about the Writing Center and make an appointment at https://lib.vt.edu/spaces/writing-center.html.

    Help from the 360 Digital Studio:
    You can visit the 360 Digital Studio Links to an external site. in Shanks 360 Links to an external site. for help with any assignment in this course. Find more details on the 360 Digital Studio Links to an external site. in the Course Manual.