Course Syllabus

Here, in Word format, is the syllabus: MGT5314Syl.docx Consider this page on grading criteria for written assignments as a supplement to the syllabus.

Here's the Coursepack.

For our second meeting, read the Shanghai Tang case (from the Coursepack) and consider questions such as:
- How does Shanghai Tan manage creativity?
- How well does it do so?
- What decision does the case present?
- Who is the decision maker?
- What is your impression of this decision maker?
- What advice would you offer to this decision maker?
- What other questions about this case might we discuss?
You don't need to hand anything in for this case, although it would probably help you to jot down notes as you prepare for the in-class discussion.

Also take the Newcastle Personality Assessor, which you can find online by clicking here. Jot down your scores on each of the five factors (Extroversion, etc.), and bring them with you to class.

And don't forget to skim chapter 2 and 5!

Course Summary:

Date Details Due