Course Syllabus
Instructor InformationProf. Canfield, 214 Randolph Hall, 231-5981,
Catalog DescriptionAeroelastic phenomena including flutter, divergence, control surface effectiveness, and lift redistribution; and introduction to traditional and modern methods of analysis and remedies for aeroelastic problems of flight vehicles. Pre: AOE 5034 (ESM 5304), AOE 5104, AOE 5214, or equivalent. (3H, 3C) PrerequisitesAOE 5034 (ESM 5304), Mechanical and Structural Vibrations, provides the necessary background on structural dynamics. AOE 5104, Advanced Aero and Hydrodynamics, provides basics of aerodynamic forces. Familiarity with applying these basic concepts to aircraft comes from AOE 5214, Aircraft Dynamics and Control. Undergraduate equivalents to latter two courses will be accepted. |
Textbook & Software
Required Course Textbook
Introduction to Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity, Hodges & Pierce, 2nd Ed., Cambridge, 2011 Supplemental References Aeroelasticity, Bisplinghoff, Ashley & Halfman, 1996 (recommended) A Modern Course in Aeroelasticity, Dowell (editor), 2004 (recommended) Computer Software Most assignments require numerical computation in a computer programming language or tool of the student's choice. Some assignments will call for use of Zona Technology's ZAERO aeroelasticity program. It requires natural modes of vibration from Nastran as input. Zona offers ASTROS as a publicly accessible alternative for computing vibration modes. AOE has a limited site license for ZAERO; a demonstration version is freely available for academic use. Links to an external site. Links to an external site. Links to an external site. |
Course ObjectivesHaving successfully completed this course, a student will be able to:
Course Schedule (Syllabus)
Administrative dates and information for this class are provided by the Office of the Registrar: |
Grading Policy
Tests will be graded on a standard numeric scale. If the mean is below a B, then scaled T-scores* may be used to determine letter grade for the test.
Each homework problem and the final project will be graded on the following letter grade scale. The homework letter grades will be converted to a numeric score, according the the test grading scale, incorporating class participation.
Students are encouraged to discuss homework problems with one another and may compare approach and results, but they are expected to turn in their own, individual work. Do not share computer code. Submit only assignments that are your own work. The final project grade will be based on a final class presentations and a final written report, equally weighted. *The article "Testing Memo 6: What kind of Grades Should be Averaged?" at following link explains T-scores. |
Honor SystemStudents shall work independently on tests, exams, and projects and submit only their own work. Students are permitted to discuss homework problems in groups, but they are expected to turn in their own, individual work. Computer programming code may not be shared, copied, or distributed among students before an assignment is due. Student and instructor behavior in this class is governed by the Virginia Tech Honor Code and its core values:
Attendance and Classroom BehaviorVirginia Tech has a class attendance policy. Class meetings are an integral part of most courses and are the central component of many. Students and faculty are expected to attend class at all regularly scheduled times, except for cancellations announced on a university wide basis by the appropriate authority. When students cannot attend a class, it is their responsibility, as soon as possible, to consult with the course instructor about missed work or tests.
Students are expected to respect one another and the instructors in and outside the classroom. Computers may be used in the classroom only for viewing material for this course or for taking notes. Accessing audio, images, or videos during class may be distracting to other students and is strictly prohibited. Cell phone use is prohibited, except as a student response system.
Policy for Making Up AssignmentsRequests to make up for a missed test or assignment must be made by notifying the instructor in advance of the scheduled due date. Requests due to absences shall be documented through the the Dean of Students, who can verify your absence and notify all of your instructors at once. In case of absences for health reasons, Schiffert Health Center medical staff can verify that you have been given medical treatment. For family or personal emergencies, students should consult with Dean of Students Office, who will notify the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for Engineering. Circumstances out of the student's control, such as illness, a death in the family, or making a presentation at a professional conference, shall normally be considered an excused absence that justifies the request. Circumstances within the student's control are normally considered an unexcused absence for which a make-up request may be denied. Unscheduled or undocumented requests will be granted or denied at the discretion of the instructor. The make-up test may be an oral exam. Students may not discuss with other students a test being made up in between the time the student and the class take the test. |
Students with Special NeedsReasonable and appropriate academic accommodations will be made for students who provide documentation of disability and request for such accommodation. Please inform the instructor and teaching assistant within the first two weeks of class of potential conflicts that may arise due to participation in religious or ethnic holiday events. |
Emergency Preparedness |
Final Project (Exam)The final project report will be due on December 13, 2016.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |
Tue Aug 23, 2016 | Assignment Socrative Pre-Test | due by 11:59pm |
Thu Aug 25, 2016 | Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 1 | due by 11:59pm |
Tue Aug 30, 2016 | Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 2 | due by 12:30pm |
Thu Sep 1, 2016 | Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 3 | due by 12:30pm |
Tue Sep 6, 2016 | Assignment Homework #1 | due by 11am |
Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 4 | due by 11:59pm | |
Thu Sep 8, 2016 | Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 5 | due by 11:59pm |
Tue Sep 13, 2016 | Assignment Homework #2 | due by 11am |
Thu Sep 15, 2016 | Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 6 | due by 11:59pm |
Tue Sep 20, 2016 | Assignment Homework #3 | due by 11am |
Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 7 | due by 11:59pm | |
Thu Sep 22, 2016 | Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 8 | due by 11:59pm |
Tue Sep 27, 2016 | Assignment Homework #4 | due by 11am |
Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 9 | due by 11:59pm | |
Thu Sep 29, 2016 | Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 10 | due by 11:59pm |
Tue Oct 4, 2016 | Assignment Homework #5 | due by 11:59pm |
Assignment Socrative Question 11 | due by 11:59pm | |
Thu Oct 6, 2016 | Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 12 | due by 11:59pm |
Tue Oct 11, 2016 | Assignment Homework #6 | due by 11am |
Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 13 | due by 11:59pm | |
Thu Oct 13, 2016 | Assignment Project Prospectus | due by 11am |
Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 14 | due by 11:59pm | |
Thu Oct 20, 2016 | Quiz Midterm in-class Test#1 | due by 12:15pm |
Thu Oct 27, 2016 | Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 15 | due by 11:59pm |
Sun Oct 30, 2016 | Assignment Homework #6.5 | due by 11am |
Tue Nov 1, 2016 | Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 16 | due by 11:59pm |
Thu Nov 3, 2016 | Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 17 | due by 11:59pm |
Thu Nov 10, 2016 | Assignment Homework #7 | due by 11am |
Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 18 | due by 11:59pm | |
Tue Nov 15, 2016 | Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 19 | due by 11:59pm |
Thu Nov 17, 2016 | Assignment Homework #8 | due by 11am |
Tue Nov 29, 2016 | Assignment Socrative Exit Ticket 20 | due by 11:59pm |
Thu Dec 1, 2016 | Quiz Final in-class Test#2 | due by 11:59pm |
Mon Dec 5, 2016 | Assignment Homework #10 | due by 11am |
Tue Dec 6, 2016 | Assignment Final Project Presentation | due by 11am |
Tue Dec 13, 2016 | Assignment Final Project Report | due by 5pm |