Week 08 Meeting Agenda

  1. Set-up Your Meeting Minutes.
    Choose a format for your meeting minutes and a person to record the minutes, using the information on the Meeting Minutes Format page.
  2. Add Items to Your Agenda if Desired.
    You might set a meeting for the week of March 24 so that you’re ready to collaborate and submit your proposal next week.
  3. Set-up a Group Copy of the Audience Analysis Form.
    1. Download a copy of the Group Project Audience Analysis Form for your group to fill in, choosing one of the options below:
    2. Rename the file, including your group name in the filename.
    3. Upload your file to your Project Folder (which you created during Week 7). You only need one copy for the entire group.
  4. Arrange the Division of Labor for Your Audience Analysis Form.
    Choose a group member who will be responsible for each section of the form. Each group member should take the lead for at least one section. If you have six group members, work in pairs on one of the sections. There are five sections:
    1. Basic Information for the Report’s Primary Reader
    2. Primary Reader’s Social Media
    3. Primary Reader’s Professional Background
    4. Primary Reader’s Relationship to the Topic
    5. Apply Your Audience Profile
  5. Record Your Preliminary Information on the Form.
    Record the group members’ names on your group form on the “Responsible for this section” line in each section. If you’re collaborating on sections, list additional group members for each section by the Helpers label in each section.
  6. Schedule a Working Due Date for the Audience Analysis Form.
    Set-up a day and time when group members should have completed their sections so that you can turn your work in by the Target Due Date.
  7. Review Your Timeline for the Rest of the Term.
    Check the schedule your group made last week, and make any updates or changes that are needed.
  8. Return to Try-It #15 for additional instructions.
    Once you have met and finished the work on this agenda, finalize and edit your Meeting Minutes and adjourn your meeting. The Meeting Minutes will be posted in an Announcement.