Set-up your meeting minutes.
Choose a format for your meeting minutes and a person to record the minutes.
Add items to your agenda if desired.
You might set a meeting for the week of March 17, when you return from Spring Break. You could also discuss any personal or religious events that you want to add to your schedule, so you know when a group member will be unavailable.
Establish Team Member Roles and Responsibilities.
Choose a specific role(s) for each member of your group. For instance, your team should choose a Group Leader, who will make sure everyone is taking care of the tasks they agree to and posts information in Canvas. Find examples of team roles and additional requirements on the Group Roles page.
List Your Team Member Expectations.
Create a list of guidelines that your group will follow. An example expectation is Attend all team meetings. You can begin with principles you agreed on during your Code of Ethics Discussion. Check the “How to Support Every Group MemberLinks to an external site.” section of the Teamwork & Collaboration Guide for additional ideas.
Make a Conflict Resolution Plan.
Decide what your group will do if something goes wrong, whether a disagreement about writing or a team management challenge. An example expectation is “Inform Traci if someone does not reply to email for three days or more.” Check the “What to Do When Something Goes WrongLinks to an external site.” section of the Teamwork & Collaboration Guide for ideas.
Arrange the Division of Labor for Your Proposal.
Plan out your group’s work and schedule for the proposal, which has a target due date of March 28. Each person in your group must contribute to the writing and revision. Your work plan should list each group member and the part(s) of the proposal that they will work on. More than one person can work on a part. Use the proposal assignment to learn more about the requirements for the task.
Schedule Your Timeline for the Rest of the Term.
Set target dates for all portions of your work on your Proposal, your Progress Report and your Recommendation Report. Use the Dates and Deadlines page to get started. It lists all the work and the course dates.
Create Your Online Workspace by Completing Try-It #14.
Set up a space in Microsoft OneDrive or Google Docs (or a similar location) where your group will share drafts and other resources. Instructions are included in Try-It #14. Include the share link in your Meeting Minutes.
Submit Your Try-It #13 for the Week.
Once you have met and finished the work on this agenda, finalize and edit your Meeting Minutes. Submit them to Try-It #13 once you’ve all reviewed them.
Try-It #13: Group Contract, Schedule, & Meeting Minutes Meeting Minutes Format