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Try-It #13: Group Contract, Schedule, & Meeting Minutes Rubric
Try-It #13: Group Contract, Schedule, & Meeting Minutes Rubric
Criteria Ratings
Meeting Minutes Format & Appearance
Exceeds Expectations
You’ve chosen a highly effective format for your meeting minutes and designated a recorder, ensuring exceptional clarity and thorough documentation.
Meets Expectations
You’ve chosen a clear format for your meeting minutes and designating a person to record them. This ensures accurate documentation of your discussions.
Almost There
You’ve chosen a format and a recorder for the minutes, but one or two required components are missing.
Needs Work
You’ve chosen a format for your meeting minutes, but three or more components are missing.
There appears to be no format for the meeting minutes. They do not have a professional appearance.
Team Member Roles and Responsibilities
Exceeds Expectations
Each team member’s role is clearly defined and well-documented, promoting excellent accountability and teamwork.
Meets Expectations
Each team member has been assigned specific roles, such as the Group Leader.
Almost There
Roles have been assigned, but some responsibilities have not been assigned or some team members do not have roles.
Needs Work
Team member roles or responsibilities are not clearly assigned. Please define specific roles for each member to ensure accountability.
Team member roles and responsibilities are not addressed.
Team Member Expectations
Exceeds Expectations
Your list of guidelines is comprehensive and well-structured, setting clear and high standards for meeting attendance and group participation.
Meets Expectations
You’ve created a comprehensive list of guidelines for your group, including principles from your Code of Ethics Discussion, which sets clear expectations for attendance and participation.
Almost There
You’ve listed some expectations, but they could be more detailed and specific.
Needs Work
The list of team member expectations is incomplete or includes no details.
There is no list of team member expectations.
Conflict Resolution Plan
Exceeds Expectations
Your conflict resolution plan is detailed and practical, providing clear steps for handling any potential issues.
Meets Expectations
Your plan for handling disagreements and team management challenges is well-defined, with practical steps for addressing any issues.
Almost There
You have a conflict resolution plan, but it could benefit from more specific steps and examples.
Needs Work
The conflict resolution plan lacks detail. It needs more information to establish how you will handle disagreements and challenges.
There is no conflict resolution plan.
Division of Labor for Proposal
Exceeds Expectations
Your division of labor is exceptionally detailed, ensuring that each group member’s contributions are clear and well-coordinated.
Meets Expectations
You’ve meticulously planned the division of labor for your proposal, listing each group member and their respective tasks, ensuring everyone contributes to the writing and revision process.
Almost There
The division of labor is outlined, but some tasks and responsibilities are not clearly assigned.
Needs Work
The division of labor for the proposal is not clearly defined or aspects of the work are not addressed.
There is no section on the division of labor for the proposal assignment.
Timeline for the Rest of the Term
Exceeds Expectations
Your timeline is detailed and well-structured, providing clear target dates for all portions of your work.
Meets Expectations
You’ve set target dates for all portions of your work, including the Proposal, Progress Report, and Recommendation Report.
Almost There
You’ve created a timeline, but some target dates are missing or unclear.
Needs Work
The timeline for the rest of the term is incomplete. It does not address all of the Major Projects for the rest of the term.
There is no timeline included in the minutes.
Link to Online Workspace
Exceeds Expectations
Your online workspace is well-organized and easily accessible, providing an excellent platform for collaboration.
Meets Expectations
You’ve successfully created an online workspace in Microsoft OneDrive or Google Docs, providing a shared space for drafts and resources, and included the share link in your meeting minutes.
Almost There
An online workspace has been set up, but the share link is missing or not clearly provided in your meeting minutes.
Needs Work
The online workspace is not set up. Please create a shared space and include the link in your meeting minutes.
There is no section on the online workspace for your group.
Announcement Posting
Exceeds Expectations
Your announcement is clear and informative, ensuring all group members are well-informed and have easy access to the minutes.
Meets Expectations
You’ve posted an announcement with a copy of your minutes in your group’s area on Canvas, ensuring all members are informed and can access the minutes easily.
Almost There
An announcement has been posted with a copy of the meeting minutes; however, the announcement needs to be developed to state more for group members who are looking for information.
Needs Work
An announcement has been posted, but the meeting minutes are not included as an attachment.
The announcement with the meeting minutes is missing.