Recommendation Outline Check
- Due Apr 15, 2022 by 11:59pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a website url or a file upload
- Available Apr 11, 2022 at 12am - Apr 15, 2022 at 11:59pm
This is an optional activity that you can complete if you would like me to give you feedback on your Recommendation Report Outline. It doesn’t count for or against you in the course grade.
On the other hand, If you have a strong outline, you’re bound to do better with your Recommendation Report.
How to Participate
- Check the rubric below, which I will use to give you feedback, and make any changes you’d like.
- Upload the word processor file with your outline, or provide the link to the Google Doc with your outline.
- Watch for feedback in the rubric for your outline.
Due Date with No Grace Period
Submit your outline by 11:59 PM on Friday, April 15. There is no grace period since this is an optional activity.
Keep in mind that 17 students have already been assessed using this rubric. Changing it will affect their evaluations.
Criteria | Ratings | ||||
Your outline uses a clear structure with letters and numbers (e.g., I, A, i, a).
See the Outlining page from George Mason’s Writing Center for help:
Links to an external site.
Your outline includes a strong and effective title at the top of the document.
See the tips for writing effective report titles at
Your outline includes all of the front matter elements.
The front matter should include the following, in this order: Letter of Transmittal, Title Page, Abstract, Table of Contents, and Executive Summary.
Your outline includes all of the elements of the body of the report.
The body should include the following, in this order: Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions, and Recommendations.
Your outline includes the required elements of the back matter.
At a minimum, the back matter should include the following, in this order: References (Works Cited), and Appendix.
Your outline uses major headings that are specific to your report.
Add details to the skeleton headings in the body that demonstrate your plans for the report. For example, “Recommendations” can become “Recommendations for Improving the Chester Street Bar Website.”
Your outline uses subheadings in the body section of your report.
Include subheadings for each of the design principles you examined. Copy the “Task 1” structure in the Sample Recommendation Report for the Methods and Results in the textbook, if desired. See the headings for the Table of Contents in the Sample Recommendation Report on pp. 508, in Figure 18.8.