VT Safety and Security Resources

Drone flying at drone cage 

Virginia Tech Emergency Management helps plan for, mitigate against, respond to, and recover from an incident or emergency. You can visit their webpage here.

  • To contact VT Emergency Management:

Virginia Tech Environmental Health and Safety (VT EHS)  advocates safe and healthy living, learning, and working environments, and helps departments comply with regulations and mandates. You can visit their webpage here.



When might my university activities be subject to export and sanction regulations?

  •  I intend to host a foreign visitor at Virginia Tech
  •  I intend to travel outside of the United States.
  •  I intend to ship or carry items outside of the United States
  •  I intend to have foreign nationals participate in research activities
  •  I want to participate in an international collaboration
  •  I intend to accept restrictions on publication, foreign national participation, or involve proprietary information in my activity
  •  My activity will involve military, intelligence, space, encryption software, or nuclear related information, technical data, equipment, or software.

For more information contact the Office of Export and Secure Research Compliance, (540) 231-6642
