Feedback Discussions FAQ
Do I have to read every Feedback Discussion?
No, but it may help you. By reading the passages and questions from others in the class, you may figure out how to improve your own project. Practically, it is up to you. The goal of this course is to put in your best effort, so do your best.
Do I have to respond to every single Feedback Discussion to receive credit?
No, you do not have to respond to every post. Remember that the feedback process is a collaborative task though. When you help out your classmates, they have more motivation to help you in return. Again, the goal of this course is to put in your best effort, so do your best.
Do I have to respond on the same day of posting?
No, you do not have to respond on the same day as the posting. Just respond by the end of the grace period (Mondays at 11:59PM) so you can indicate your work in the self-assessment.
Can I ask for feedback on more than one passage a week?
Certainly. Ideally, the class will develop a collegial give-and-take feeling in the Feedback Discussions. If you need more help, ask for it. If you can help someone else, do so!