Recommendation: Final Draft
- Due Aug 7, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a website url or a file upload
- Available Jul 27, 2020 at 12am - Aug 15, 2020 at 11:59pm
- Analyze the rhetorical situation and determine the appropriate audience or users of written communication, considering the needs of global audiences and people with disabilities. [CLO 1]
- Conduct research appropriate to workplace problem solving, such as literature review, evaluation of online resources, interview, and site inspection. [CLO 2]
- Interpret research findings with understanding of ethical and human implications. [CLO 3]
- Use conventions of various workplace genres, such as proposals, instructions, correspondence, reports, and slide decks, with understanding of how the genre conventions can be used as heuristics and as principles of arrangement. [CLO 4]
- Apply principles of effective visual design for print and electronic presentation, including hierarchical, chronological, and spatial arrangements. [CLO 6]
- Identify and apply the principles of effective style in the composing of usable, reader-centered written communications. [CLO 7]
The Task
This assignment focuses on writing a longer document, a proposal for improvement based on research, which includes an analytical study.
Background Note
This project relates to the Fortune 500 Company that you choose during the Correspondence Project. When you read the Writing Scenario, the references in square brackets [] refers to the company you chose. The “To:” heading in the scenario lists “You” as the recipient. In the workplace, “You” would be replaced with your name.
Writing Scenario
Your CEO (pronouns: they, them, theirs) is taking actions to broaden diversity, equity, and inclusion in the company by asking analysts to examine specific aspects of the company and propose ways to improve. Today, the CEO sent you the following email message:
From: [Name of the CEO of the company you have chosen]
To: You
Subject: Propose Website Changes by Friday, August 7
Date: 07/27/2020Thank you for your help with the diversity, equity, and inclusion effort. I’d like you to continue by helping with the next step of analyzing how we can improve our resources.
Will you analyze the company website and write a recommendation report that outlines what you found and provides recommendations for increasing the site’s diversity and inclusion?
Your focus should be on inclusive design and content. I want you to examine the site’s visual elements for diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. Likewise, look at the language and content on the site to determine if the information meets diversity, equity, and inclusion standards.
I want to see specific examples of what you find on the site, what’s missing from the site, and what we can do to improve the site. Screenshots and quotations will help everyone understand your findings and recommendations.
Send your finished report to me and the IT division, and my assistant will set up a meeting to review the information after the 7th.
Take care,
[Name of the CEO of the company you have chosen]
Composing Your Final Draft
- Review these resources on Web Design as needed:
- “Designing Online Documents” (pp. 274-284 of Markel)
- “Designing Online Pages” (pp. 284-287 of Markel).
- CRAP design principles (These principles apply online and in print documents.)
- Writing for the Web Links to an external site.
- The Biggest Mistake in Writing for the Web Links to an external site.
- Visual Design Basics Links to an external site.
- Review these resources on inclusive design as needed:
- How to Choose Diverse and Inclusive Photos Links to an external site.
- Creating Intentionally Inclusive Language for Your Organization Links to an external site.
- Gender-Inclusive Language Links to an external site.
- Accessibility: Three Steps to Get Started Links to an external site.
- WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool Links to an external site.
- DEI Guidelines for Marketing and Communication Links to an external site.
- Everything You Need to Know About Inclusive Design for Social Media Links to an external site.
- Gather any additional information from your company’s website that you need to complete your report.
Check the Textbook
Use this information from Technical Communication to shape your document:
- Focus on Process: Recommendation Reports, on page 473.
- A Problem-Solving Model for Recommendation Reports, Figure 18.1, on page 474.
- Ethics Note: Presenting Honest Recommendations, on page 477.
- Elements of a Typical Report, Table 18.1, on page 478.
- Guidelines: Writing Recommendations, on page 480.
- Tech Tip: Why to Make a Long Report Navigable and How to Make a Long Report Navigable, on page 483.
- Guidelines: Writing an Executive Summary, on page 486.
- Writer’s Checklist, on page 490.
- Sample Report, Figure 18.8, on pages 490–513.
- Technology Requirement: Use any word processor you like, just as long as it can save a file as *.doc or *.docx, OR it can be shared online.
- Includes the following sections, in this order, in your report:
- Front matter
- letter of transmittal (p. 481)
- title page with a specific title (p. 481)
- abstract (p. 481)
- table of contents (p. 482)
- list of illustrations, if necessary (p. 483)
- executive summary (p. 485)
- Body
- introduction (p. 479)
- methods (p. 479)
- results (p. 479)
- conclusions (p. 480)
- recommendations (p. 480)
- Back matter
- references (p. 488)
- appendixes, if desired (p. 489)
- Front matter
- Includes a bibliography that provides documentation for all of the outside resources you include. You may use the bibliographical format that is appropriate for your field. Here are some tools if you are unsure what to use:
- EasyBib online citation builder Links to an external site. is a web-based tool that creates MLA-format for free.
- Son of Citation Machine Links to an external site. is a web-based tool that creates MLA, APA, and Chicago citations for free.
- Cite This For Me Links to an external site. is a web-based tool that creates several styles, including IEEE, for free.
- Mendeley Links to an external site. is free citation manager software (available online or as a download) that creates every style.
- Zotero Links to an external site. is free citation manager software (available online, as a browser extension, or as a download) that creates every style.
- Uses professional design and formatting that does the following:
- Follows the advice on the Professional Design for Reports page.
- Pays attention to the CRAP design principles in your report.
- Makes information easy for readers to find and read.
- Emphasizes important information.
- Makes a good first impression as a polished, professional document.
- Uses accurate/appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, mechanics, linking, and formatting.
- Length: With examples and appropriate formatting, your report will likely be close to 15 pages long, though there is not a minimum or maximum page length.
- Submit your final draft:
- Submit your final draft here by 11:59 PM on Friday, August 7. Include a specific question in the Submission Comments if you would like me to respond to something.
- If you need more time, submit your final draft by 11:59 PM on Monday, August 10.
Grading Process
You track and grade your own work in this course. Be sure to complete the following tasks:
- Track your work in your Weekly Work Log in the Class Notebook.
- Claim points for submitting your final draft when you complete the 08/07 Self-Assessment in Canvas.