Correspondence Project: Final Draft
- Due Jul 17, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 0
- Submitting a website url or a file upload
- Available Jul 13, 2020 at 12am - Aug 15, 2020 at 11:59pm
- Analyze the rhetorical situation and determine the appropriate audience or users of written communication, considering the needs of global audiences and people with disabilities. [CLO 1]
- Use conventions of various workplace genres, such as proposals, instructions, correspondence, reports, and slide decks, with understanding of how the genre conventions can be used as heuristics and as principles of arrangement. [CLO 4]
- Apply principles of effective visual design for print and electronic presentation, including hierarchical, chronological, and spatial arrangements. [CLO 6]
- Identify and apply the principles of effective style in the composing of usable, reader-centered written communications. [CLO 7]
The Task
Before You Work on the Final Draft
Complete the activities in the Correspondence Project: Rough Draft before submitting a final draft of your project. The Correspondence Project: Choosing Your Fortune 500 Company is critical to writing a strong final draft.
Writing Scenario
Your CEO wants to be sure that everything is being done to support diversity, equity, and inclusion in the company. They want to support and recruit employees who will bring more intercultural connectivity to the workplace, and they hope that this more diverse workplace will lead to a more diverse, intercultural customer and fan base.
The CEO has asked everyone in the company to pitch in. This week, the CEO sent the following email message to everyone in the company:
From: [Name of the CEO of the company you have chosen]
To: All Employees
Subject: Send Three Diversity Articles by Friday
Date: 07/13/2020As you know, we are working to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion so that every employee, supplier, client, and customer feels [Your Company's Name] is a welcoming company that values them all. Everyone in the company can contribute to this initiative.
This week, I would like everyone to help gather research on how we can improve diversity, equity, and inclusion in the company, whether focused on our coworkers, suppliers, clients, or customers. If every one of us finds some research, we can build a great collection of information that we can use moving forward.
To accomplish this goal, I want everyone to find three scholarly articles on strategies that can help build diverse intercultural workplace, supply line, clientele, and/or customer base. Be sure that the articles you choose use the IMRaD structure Links to an external site. [as you will rely on this structure in the Research Poster Design assignment].
Send me a memo with the following information by Friday:
- basic bibliographic details on your articles
- a link to the articles, if possible
- a summary of the article (several sentences in length)
- your reason for choosing and sharing the articles
I'm looking forward to seeing what you find and then spending time with everyone deciding how we can implement some of the ideas that you find.
Take care,
[Name of the CEO of the company you have chosen]
Composing Your Final Draft
- Review the feedback from your classmates that has been posted in Piazza.
- Use the feedback to revise your rough draft in your word processor, responding to the writing scenario above.
- Check your memo, using these resources:
Check your draft to . . . Use these resources . . . Ensure your Correspondence Project uses memo format accurately and effectively. - Memo Format Self-Review Links to an external site.
- Strong Subject Lines
- In Markel & Selber:
- Sample Memo, Figure 14.10, on page 377
- Guidelines: Organizing a Memo, on page 378
Use headings to make your project friendly and well-organized. - In Markel & Selber:
- Guidelines: Revising Headings, on pages 196–197
Check your project for accurate/appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, mechanics, linking, and formatting. - Proofread your project, keeping the following expectations in mind:
- Technology Requirement: Use any word processor you like, just as long as it can save a file as *.doc or *.docx, OR it can be shared online.
- Follows email format.
- Provides a specific subject line for the email.
- Includes the following sections:
- a brief introduction
- details on the three articles, as described in the Writing Scenario above.
- an appropriate conclusion and closing
- Use professional design and formatting that does the following:
- Makes information easy for readers to find and read.
- Emphasizes important information.
- Makes a good first impression as a polished, professional document.
- Use accurate/appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, mechanics, linking, and formatting.
- Submit your final draft:
- Submit your final draft here by 11:59 PM on Friday, July 17. Include a specific question in the Submission Comments if you would like me to respond to something.
- If you need more time, submit your rough draft by 11:59 PM on Monday, July 20.
Grading Process
You track and grade your own work in this course. Be sure to complete the following tasks:
- Track your work in your Weekly Work Log in the Class Notebook.
- Claim points for submitting your final draft when you complete the 07/17 Self-Assessment in Canvas.