Correspondence: An Introduction

One of the most common writing tasks you will face on the job is the production of basic, everyday correspondence: letters, memos, and emails.

This mini-module will provide you with information about how to produce each of these types. It will break down their different components and show you how to handle a variety of different writing tasks, including the most difficult of all messages to write: the negative message.

And just because letters, memos, and emails are usually quite shortā€”a page or so in lengthā€”does not in any way mean that they are easy to produce, at least not at first. In fact, you should approach the writing of a letter or email with as much care as you would a proposal or formal report, because like those longer documents, they can also bring positive or negative results.

Just as a reminder, the first thing you must consider before you begin writing any document of any length is purpose: the aim, intention, or goal of the piece of writing. Interestingly, though, its definition also encompasses the result you wish to bring about; hence, it is extremely reader-oriented. To reach that audience and accomplish your goal(s), you must be able to articulate your purpose, gather compelling evidence, adopt in your document a friendly, yet professional toneā€”and select the right mode for your document.

Selecting a Mode

Although email is quickly becoming the preferred mode of correspondence for most of usā€”itā€™s fast, itā€™s easy, and it doesnā€™t require you to make a trip to the post office for a stampā€”it is not always the most appropriate choice. The mode or type of correspondence you select must fit the event or context.

Before you write, ask yourself:

  • Who is my audience?
  • What is my purpose?
  • What is the tone I want to strike with the reader?
  • Where is this correspondence going?

Answers to those questions will help you determine the format to use.



What to Know About It


  • Suited for: More formal communication, such as cover or application letters, letters of transmittal, letters of complaint. The required written signature adds to the level of formality.
  • Intended Audience: A person with whom you have not yet developed a relationship or one with whom you wish to establish a professional, personable tone.
  • Destination: Outside an organization, company, or home


  • Suited for: Less formal but not fully informal communication, such as progress reports, proposals, trip and other short reports
  • Intended Audience: Colleagues, supervisors, team members, staff, committee members
  • Destination: Within an organization, company, department, or group


  • Suited for: Quick, but more informal communication, such as online queries, orders, or acknowledgments
  • Intended Audience: Varies widely: a person with whom you have not yet developed a relationship, one with whom you wish to establish a personable or professional tone, colleagues, supervisors, team members, staff, committee members
  • Destination: Within or outside an organization; well-suited to international correspondence (when appropriate)


Please note that in some situations, these guidelines are just thatā€”guidelines. For example, a job posting might require you to send your cover letter in the body of an email rather than as a formal letter. Similarly, formal letters rather than memos are sometimes sent within an organization, as when an award recipient is notified or a worker is commended for volunteerism.

Keep reading to learn about each mode.