Document Design: An Introduction

Usability is the foundation of user-centered writing.  In technical and business writing, the two concepts of writing and document design work hand-in-hand to enable readers to find what they need, understand what they find, and put what they find to work. To be truly usable for readers, then, documents must be both clearly written and effectively designed.

If you don't believe this, take a look at the two documents shown here:



Both documents are handouts prepared to teach learners about "common terms for instructional design and development." They contain the same information, but they take different approaches to the design of that information.

In which one can you find the defined terms more easily? Which one looks easier to read?

If you said that you can more quickly locate the terms in #2 and that it looks easier to read, you'd be right. But why is this? There's a simple explanation: It uses basic design strategies that enhance usability, like contrast, lists, chunking, and more white space.

This mini-module is designed to introduce you to the basic concepts of document design. Use these principles, and they will ensure that your well-written documents are also well-designed.